BIOGRAPHY: Four Gospels of the life of Christ. (Matthew, Mark, Luke are called “Synoptics”)
28 |
JESUS, THE PROMISED MESSIAH. (Jewish view) (*c. 38 A.D.) |
16 |
JESUS, THE POWER OF GOD. (Roman view) (c. 57 A.D.) |
24 |
JESUS, THE WISDOM OF GOD. (Grecian view) To Theophilus. (c. 64 A.D.) |
21 |
HISTORY: One book by Luke the Physician to Theophilus, a Greek (From Rome, c. 64 A.D.)
28 |
HOW THE CHURCH BEGAN AND GREW. (by Luke, concerning Peter and Paul.) |
PAULINE EPISTLES: Fourteen letters written by Paul[1] to churches and individuals.
16 |
JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH rather than by the law. (From Corinth, c. 58 A.D.) |
16 |
A DIVIDED CHURCH (From Ephesus, c. 57 A.D.) (Names, Fornication, Lawsuits, Marriage, Meats, Coverings, Lord’s Supper, Tongues, Resurrection) |
13 |
PAUL’S DEFENSE OF HIS AUTHORITY as an Apostle. Encouragement for the good response in dealing with fornication problem. (From Macedonia, c. 58 A.D.) |
6 |
FICKLE GALATIANS warned against Judaizers. (From Corinth, c. 58 A.D.) |
6 |
THE GLORIOUS CHURCH. The revealed mystery of God—Jews and Gentiles united as one body in Christ. (From Rome, c. 63 A.D.) |
4 |
REJOICE! Affectionate commendation for sharing financially. (Rom. c. 62 A.D.) |
4 |
EXULTATION OF CHRIST Buried and raised so stand fast. (Rome, c. 63 A.D.) |
5 |
COMING OF THE LORD to comfort in persecution. (From Corinth, c. 52 A.D.) |
3 |
COMING OF THE LORD not soon. Apostasy first. (From Corinth, c. 53 A.D.) |
6 |
EVANGELIST AT EPHESUS to charge some to “teach no other doctrine.” How to behave in the church. (From Macedonia, c. 66 A.D.) |
4 |
FAITHFULNESS TO THE MINISTRY charged in face of rising defection and indifference. While Paul awaits execution in Rome. (c. 67 A.D.) |
3 |
EVANGELIST IN CRETE to “Set in order things wanting and appoint Elders in every city.” Written with the 1 Timothy letter. (From Macedonia, c. 66 A.D.) |
1 |
RUNAWAY SLAVE (Onesimus) converted and returned. (From Rome, c. 63 A.D.) Sent to Colossae with the Colossian and Ephesian letters.) |
13 |
BETTER THINGS IN CHRIST. To Christian Jews in Palestine, countering appeal of Judaism and danger of being drawn back into it. (From Rome, c. 63 A.D.) |
GENERAL EPISTLES: (Seven letters named after their writers)
5 |
SALVATION “NOT BY FAITH ONLY.” Must be doers. (Before 62 A.D.) |
5 |
DEALING WITH SUFFERING. Glorify God. (From “Babylon” c. 60 A.D.) |
3 |
END OF THE EARTH. Warning of false-teachers in delay of coming of Christ. |
5 |
HEREBY WE KNOW THAT WE KNOW GOD. Emphasizes obedience, especially love of others. He counters Gnostic denial of incarnation. (c. 90 A.D.) |
1 |
DO NOT BID “GOD SPEED” TO GNOSTIC ANTI-CHRISTS who deny that Jesus came in the flesh (incarnation). (“To the elect lady” c. 90 A.D.) |
1 |
DIOTREPHES, A CHURCH BOSS. (to Gaius, c. 90 A.D.) |
1 |
“CONTEND EARNESTLY FOR THE FAITH” against rising apostates (c. 66 A.D.) |
PROPHECY: (One book by John to encourage that Christ will triumph)
22 |
THE FUTURE REVEALED. Includes letters to churches. (From Patmos, c. 96 A.D.) |
*Note: Dates are approximate.