A. Ralph Johnson


I.      The second missionary journey. (51-54 A.D.)

        I Thes.            From Corinth about 52 A.D.

        II Thes.          From Corinth about 53 A.D.


II.   The third misionary journey.

        I Cor.              From Ephesus about 57 A.D.

        II Cor.             From Macedonia (probably Philippi) about 58 A.D.

        Gal.                 From Corinth about 58 A.D.

        Rom.               From Corinth about 58 A.D.


III.   The first imprisonment at Rome 61-63 A.D.

        Philip              From Rome about 62 A.D.

        Hebrews        From Rome about 63 A.D. to Jewish Christians in Palastine

        Col.                 From Rome about 63 A.D.

        Philemon        From Rome about 63 A.D. to Colossae

        Ephes.            From Rome about 63 A.D.


IV.   Closing years of Paul

        I Tim.              From Macedonia about 66 A.D. to Ephesus

        Titus               From Nicopolus of Macadonis about 66 A.D. to Crete

        II Tim.             From Rome (Paul's second imprisonment) about 67 A.D. to Ephesus