A. Ralph Johnson


THEME:  "They shall know that I am God."  (25 times)

Special emphasis on the destruction of Jerusalem because of their rebellion against God.

WRITER: Ezekiel, a priest, carried to Babylon about 597 BC under King Jehoiachin

Prophet to the people in Babylon.

Contemporary with Jeremiah and Daniel.





48ch(3) Babylon map; Mediterranean map (brief)








    I.   Fifth Year Of King Jehoiachin's Captivity (2)

1: Throne


  A.  Ezekiel's Commission.(1:1-5:17)



1.   Vision of the heavenly throne-chariot



Four Cherubim (1:4-14)



Wheels. (1:15-21)



Wings (1:22-25)




2: Commission


2.    Commission of Ezekiel



Spirit filled and sent to speak to their rebellion. (2:1-7)



Book given to eat (2:8-10)

3: Book


Book eaten (3:1-3; cf. Rev. 10:8-11)



Sent to Speak (3:4-11)



Carried to river Chebar for 7 days (3:12-15).



Made to be a Watchman: (3:16-21) (after 7 days)



Glory on the plain (3:22-27)



     Mouth opened to speak to their rebellion. (27)

4: Siege


3.    Message (4:1-5:17)



Sign: Lesson of the tile to which siege was laid (4:1-3) 



Sign: Lesson of laying on his side (4:4-8)



ISRAEL: Left side for 390 days (years)



JUDAH: Right side for 40 days (years)



Sign: Eating grains cooked over dung fuel (4:9-17)

5: Hair


Sign: Hair divided. (1/3, famine; 1/3, sword; 1/3 scattered) (1, 12)

6: Sword


B.       A Sword upon the mountains of Israel (6:1-7)

Remnant to be spared (6:8-10)

Sign: Smite with the hand and stamp the foot (6:11-14)

7: End


    C.   The day of trouble has come (7:1-27).




    II.   Sixth Year, Sixth Month, Fifth Day of captivity.

8: Journey


    A.   Vision Journey to the Temple in Jerusalem



    1.   The problem presented. 



    Carried to the temple in Jerusalem (8:1-4)



    North altar gate image (8:5-6)



    Hole in wall by court door (abominations)(7-13)



    North temple gate (Tammuz worship) (8:14 -15)



    Inner court door (sun worship) (8:16-18)

9: Mark


    2.    Inkhorn mark on those to be spared.  Others slain.

10: Cherubim


    3.    Cherubim oversee burning of Jerusalem.

11: Restoration


    4.    Pelatiah dies for advising resistance (11:1-13)



    5.    Restoration promised—remove the stony heart (11:14-21)



    6.    Return to Jerusalem by cherubim  (11:22 -25)

12: Wall


    B.   Sign: Ezekiel digging through the wall. (12:1-7)



    C.   Meaning: Zedekiah's escape attempt (12:8-16)



    D.   Sign of eating with trembling (12:17-20)



    E.   Visions to become reality. “The days are at hand.” (12:21-25)



    F.   No more delay (12:26-28)

13: Prophets


    G.   False prophets.



    1.   Lying divinations (13:1-7)



    2.   Like Walls of untempered mortar (13:8-16)



    3.   Hunting souls with pillows (or, magic bands) (13:17-23)

14: Heart Idols


     H.   Hypocritical idol lovers (14:1-11)



     I.   Noah, Daniel and Job could not save them (14:12-20)



    Four Judgments: Famine, beasts, sword, pestilence (14:21-23)

15: Vine


     J.    Jerusalem to be burned, like a worthless vine.

16: Unfaithful


     K.   Jerusalem and her lovers.

17: Eagles




     L.   Riddle of the cedar top taken to Babylon and the seed in the land that became a low vine and stretched out to Egypt, withers. (17:1-10)

     King of Judah carried to Babylon. (17:11-21)

                   To crop a tender twig from the top of the cedar and make it bear fruit upon a high mountain.   (17:22 -24)

18: Sour Grapes


      M.   Each will be accountable for their own sins.



      (Free Will   --18:1-29; cf. Jer. 31:28)

19: Lamentation


      Lamentation for their judgment



      1.    Lion Whelps:  (19:1-13)



      Jehoahaz to Egypt



      Jehoiachin to Babylon.



       2.   Vine to be plucked up (19:10-14)




    III.  Seventh Year, Fifth Month, Tenth Day of captivity

20: History


    A.   History of rebellion.



    1. From Egypt (20:1-9)



    2. In the wilderness (20:10-17)



    3. Their children in the wilderness (20:18-26)



    4. In Canaan (20:27-32)



    B.    To be taken again to bondage to teach them a lesson (20:33-39)



    To be brought back from bondage (20:40-44)



    C.   Fire of God's wrath to sweep the land (20:45-49)

21: Sword


    D.   The unsheathed sword of Jehovah (21:1-7)



     E.   The sharpened threatening sword. (21:8-17)



     F.   Two ways divined for the sword of Babylon



    Concerning Judah (21:18-27)



    Concerning Ammon (21:28-32)

22: Furnace


    G.    Jerusalem, The bloody city. (22:1-16)



    H.   To be melted like in a furnace to purify them (22:17-22)



     I.     A land desolate of truth and righteousness—(22:23-31)

23: Sisters


     J.     Spiritual unfaithfulness, Oholah & Oholibah, Israel & Judah




    IV.  Ninth Year, Tenth Month, Tenth Day of captivity

24: Siege


    A.   Sign: Rusty cooking pot (Jerusalem) with burned bones (24:1-14)



     B.   Sign: Ezekiel's wife's death --no mourning—the sanctuary to be destroyed. (24:15-24)



    Sign: Ezekiel dumb until Jerusalem falls. (24:25-27)

25: Four


     C.   Four judgments to come:



     Ammon destroyed for rejoicing over Jerusalem (25:1-7)



     Moab to face Jehovah's judgments (25:8-11)



     Edom desolated for taking revenge (25:12-14)



     Philistines: Vengeance for taking vengeance (15-17)










     V. Eleventh Year, First Day Of The Month of captivity

26: Tyre


    A.  Tyre: To be scooped into the sea (Story) (picture)

27: Ship


    B.   Tyre: A sinking ship.

28: Tyre & Sidon


    C.   King of Tyre: Self-exaltation will be brought down (28:1-10)



    D.   King of Tyre: Fall for ingratitude (28:11-19)



E.    Sidon: no more to be a thorn (28:20-24)



       Israel: to be gathered and secure. (28:25-26)




    VI. Tenth Year, Tenth Month, Twelfth Day of captivity (29:1-16)

29: Crocodile


    Egypt: To be hooked like a crocodile, by Babylon for 40 years. 

    Egypt: To become a "base kingdom" (29:13-16)




    VII. Twenty-Seventh Year, First Month, First Day of captivity



     Egypt: To be Nebuchadnezzar’s wages for 13 years work subduing Tyre. (29:17-20)



     A horn to bud forth unto the house of Israel (29:21) [MESSIANIC?]

30: Broken


     A sword to soon fall upon Egypt and her allies. (30:1-19)




    VIII. Eleventh Year, First Month, Seventh Day of captivity



Pharaoh's arms to be broken and Babylon’s strengthened. (30:20-26).




    IX.  Eleventh Year, Third Month, First Day of captivity

31: Cedar


    Egypt to learn from Asyria’s fall like a mighty cedar of Lebanon.






    X.  Twelfth Year, Twelfth Month, First Day of captivity (32:1-16)

32: Net


   Pharaoh to be taken in a net like a lion or sea monster. (32:2-16)




    XI. Twelfth Year, Twelfth Month, Fifteenth Day of captivity   (32:17-32)



    Egypt and the nations in the pit of Sheol (32:17-32)






33: Watchman


     Ezekiel's second commission--Watchman of God. (33:1-20)

     Those who hear and turn will live




XII. Twelfth Year, Tenth Month, Fifth Day of captivity



   A.   Jerusalem falls to Babylon



        Jerusalem falls. Ezekiel speaks again. (33:21-22)



        Spoken against remnants hiding out (33:23-29)



        Jeremiah shown their hypocrisy (33:30 -33)



     They view the prophet as a "lovely song" (32)

34: Sheep


        Judgment against unfaithful shepherds (34:1-10)



   Jehovah will seek his sheep from among the nations (34:11-16)



        He will judge between sheep (34:17-22)



   The Great Shepherd will care for them in a covenant of peace (34:23-31; cf. Jn. 10:11-16) [MESSIANIC]

35: Edom


        Mount Seir (Edom) to become desolate.



  B.  Restoration promised (chap. 36-37)

36: Israel


        Reassurance to the mountains of Israel (36:1-15)



        Restoration promised for the sake of His name (36:16-38)

   To receive a new heart and Spirit (36:26-27; 2Cor 3:3) [MESSIANIC]

37: Dry Bones


        The valley of dry bones that will live again (37:1-14)



   The two sticks of Israel and Judah, to be joined into one (37:15-23)

       David to rule over them (37:24-27; Lk. 1:32-33) [MESSIANIC]



          C. The great final battle (chap, 38-39)

38: Gog


        Gog, from the north: Assault upon Israel (cf. Rev. 20:8)

39: Defeat


        Gog's armies destroyed.(39:1-16, cf. Rev. 20:8)



        Birds called to feast.(39:17-20, cf. Rev. 19:17, 21)



         Israel to be protected (39:21-29)




    XIII. Twenty-Fifth Year, Beginning Of Year, Tenth Day of captivity

40: Court


      Vision Of A Glorious Restored Temple. (chap. 40-48)



      Introduction: A man with a line and measuring reed. (40:1-4)



      Measuring the outer court and gates (40:5-27; cf. Rev. 21:12-15)



      Measuring the inner court and gates (40:28-47)



      Measuring the porch of the temple (40:48-49)

41: Temple


      Measuring the temple (41:1-26)

42: Chambers


      Measuring the priests' chambers (42:1-14)



      Over all dimensions of the Temple area (42:15-20)

43: Glory


      Glory of God fills the house (43:1-14; cf. Rev. 15:8)



      Altar (43:13-17)



      Ordinances dedicating the Altar (43:18-27)

44: Holy


      East gate (entrance of God's glory) closed (44:1-3)



      Qualifications of those serving the Temple (44:4-14)



      Regulations for Zadokite priests (44:15-27)



      Provision for the priests (44:28 -31)

45: Services


      Inheritance of Levites (45:1-8)



      Duties of the Prince (45:9-12)






      Oblations (45:13-17)



      First and seventh day monthly offerings (45:18-20)



      Passover offering (45:21-25)

46: Services 2


      Sabbaths (46:1-5)



      New Moons (46:6-7)



      Entrance and exit of worshipers (46:8-10)



      Offering of the prince (46:11-15)



      Gift of a prince (46:16-18)



      Preparing sacrificial meals (46:19-24)

47: River


      River flowing from the temple (47:1-12; cf. Rev. 22:1)



      Apportionment of tribal inheritances:



      General boundaries of the land (47:13-21)



      Place of aliens (47:22-23)

48: Gates


      Seven northern tribes (48:1-7)



      The priests' portion (48:8-22)



      The five southern tribes (48:23-29)



       Egresses to city described (48:30-35)