1.      Choose a place with few distractions.


2.      Cool to avoid sleepiness.


3.      Choose a time when not tired—best, in the morning when fresh or after taking a nap or a cool shower.


4.      Have a regular time  each day for study.  A short daily study is better than one long study before class.  


5.      Begin studying as soon as possible after each class so discussion and assignments are fresh in mind.  Don't wait until late in the week or cramming for a test.


6.      Walking and talking while studying can be helpful to concentrate.


7.       Discussions or study with others can be helpful for comprehension and clear focus.  quiz each other.


8.      Make lists of key information.  Grouping information helps to grasp and retain it. 


9.      View information from an over-all perspective first and then move to details.  View tables of contents first and then skim over chapters before reading.


10.  Flash cards with key information can be carried in a shirt pocket to glance at throughout the day.


11.  Mark important information in books and take notes.  Copy key information.  Writing helps memory and comprehension.


12.   Ask questions and be sure you understand what you are learning.


13.  Ask yourself, what questions you would ask if you were giving the test.


14.  Review for tests but don't cram.


15.  Before taking a test: Be sure you are rested. Eat a light meal.  Take a cool shower.  Exercise a little to get blood pumping.


16.  Be early to class and relax.  Have a drink of something refreshing.  Pray!